Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So, Ive had the pleasure of getting sick here in the Dominican Republic.  Last Monday I woke up feeling a bit under the weather.  Nausea, intestinal discomfort, you get the picture.  Im fairly certain that it was caused by my accidental ingestion of water the previous Saturday while we were white water rafting.  In any case, my Monday was filled with worship of the porcelain god.  The Tuesday that followed I felt a bit better, still could not eat anything, but I was keeping water down, which was a distinct and much appreciated improvement.  However, feeling better does not prevent me from being an idiot.  My mom here gave me two 500 mg tablets of ampicillin to speed my recovery, and I took them.  Apparently I am allergic to ampicillin, because 20 minutes later I got really cold, which should not happen when it is 90+ degrees outside.   After a few more minutes I began to shake uncontrollably, which led to a full body seizure which lasted 45 minutes.  20 minutes in my mom found me and got someone to take me to the clinic where they promptly gave me something that gradually stopped the tremors.  One hour later I was back home.  It was quite possibly the scariest experience of my life, but hey, live and learn, and dont take strange pills.  Also, the whole thing cost me 540 pesos, which is roughly 18 dollars, so that was pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. Wholey Crap! Are you ok!!! hope this doesn't ruin your experience!
